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Casa Bella Property Management
850 N. Crooks / Ste. 100
Clawson, MI 48017
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Office: 248-655-1500
Fax: 248-655-3900

Latest News
9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Monday - Friday

After Hour Emergencies

Individual Home Rentals



You have made an important investment in a home, let our professional experience maximize the return on your investment.

Our services have been designed to promote the longevity and aesthetic appearance of your property which will lower the long-term maintenance costs of your property, increase your renters' satisfaction, and maximize your property's value. As a leading management company in Southern Michigan, we have acquired resources that allow us to efficiently locate prospective renters, regularly inspect & maintain your property, communicate with your renters, and collect your rent while allowing you to continue to reap the financial rewards of property ownership.

Our pricing structure is specially tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges of the individual homes that we manage. It is our belief that as a management company it is not only our job to promote the longevity and value of your property, but to ensure you maintain your expected return on investment.

Why Hire Casa Bella?

Please take a moment to explore our key management and placement services:

Management Services:
Proactive Inspections
Landscape & Lawn Maintenance
Satisfied Renters
Communicate with Renters
Delinquency Collection
24 / 7 Emergency Care
Comprehensive Web Services

Special Offers & Quote Requests

Please visit our Special Offers page to view our current incentives and offers which are designed to promote a healthy return on investment as we transition to be your new management company. Quote requests can be made directly from our Special Offers page.

Thank You!

We would like to thank you for taking a moment to explore our services. If you should have any questions, concerns, or would simply like to introduce yourself, we would like to invite you to contact us.